Submitted by Katherine Pankratz on

The VTM Group Community Outreach program facilitates opportunities for employees to give back to local organizations by making a donation directly from their paycheck. Annually, employees nominate and vote on the three non-profits to support for the coming year and we're excited to announce our 2019 selections!
Before progressing to the current year, however, it's important to take a look back at what we did in 2018. Our employees are some of the most generous people around freely giving of their time and resources to support those in need. We're so proud of what they've accomplished for organizations like Store to Door, a local non-profit that supports the elderly and those with disabilities in grocery shopping and delivery. VTMers worked with the recipients on their needs, shopped, and delivered their groceries several times a month throughout the year. Too, our work with Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO) saw VTMers financial support their mission to empower immigrants and refugees to build new lives through cultural- and linguisitic-specific services. In addition, throughout the year we collected various donations and toiletries for HomePlate Youth Services, a organization that supports the positive development of young people experiencing homelessness or housing instability through community building, education, access to services and resources, and youth empowerment. We capped off the 2018 calendar year with support for 12 families comprised of 45+ children and 40+ adults through our holiday food basket program.
The VTM Community Outreach team, and indeed our entire employee pool, works tirelessly to support those in need. Thank you to every employee, corporation, and community member who supports the efforts of these vital non-profit organizations!
2019 Selections
Homeplate Youth Services
HomePlate supports the positive development of young people experiencing homelessness or housing instability through community building, education, access to services and resources, and youth empowerment. HomePlate envisions communities where homelessness is a short-term circumstance, not a long term or chronic condition, and youth are supported in their communities.
Morrison Child and Family Services
Morrison Child and Family Services partners with families and communities to provide effective and responsive services for children and youth coping with adversity and trauma. Morrison delivers specialized services to children, from birth through age 21, and families coping with abuse, neglect, domestic violence, drug and alcohol addiction, mental health difficulties, criminality, and other harmful stress factors.
Store to Door
The Mission of Store to Door is to support independent living for Portland area seniors and people with disabilities by providing an affordable, personal, volunteer-based grocery shopping and delivery service.
More information about this program, and groups we've supported in the past, is available on our Community Outreach page.
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